Friday, January 16, 2015

Mother Banquet Ideas At Church

Honor the mothers in your church by holding a banquet.

Church banquets serve as an occasion for bonding with other members and celebrating special occasions. Holding a banquet for mothers is a way to honor the moms in the congregation, whether celebrating the holiday of Mother's Day or simply recognizing their hard work and legacy within the church. Regardless of the reason, there are some ideas to consider to make sure the church banquet runs as smoothly as possible.

Food Planning

Require an RSVP for the banquet. This helps a great deal in the planning process for the meal and selecting the type of food. If a large number plan on attending, consider making it a pot-luck banquet so one particular person isn't saddled with the burden of cooking for hundreds. Require each attendee to contribute something. Assigning the general category such as main dish, side dish, drink or dessert helps ensure an equal distribution of foods. If your church has a kitchen and the banquet will be an intimate gathering of mothers, consider preparing the meal there and having volunteer servers bring out the different courses.


The decorating of a banquet space contributes greatly to the mood of the event. Make a decorating committee to assist with the set-up. You may want to pick a theme that most mothers would enjoy, such as mothers of the Bible or a simple floral theme. For example, you could find a talented artist in the congregation to draw pictures depicting biblical moms and hang them on the walls of the banquet area along with quotes from the Bible that relate to motherhood.

Banquet Entertainment

Add some entertainment to your church banquet. While the entertainment doesn't have to last the entire event, you can reserve a certain time, such as during dessert. There are a number of possibilities when you are looking for an entertainer, including volunteer musicians from the church, who could play songs that are tributes to mothers. You could also invite a guest pastor to give a speech about motherhood. Get the children involved by having them write and perform a skit about why moms are important.

Types of Banquets

Besides a traditional Mother's Day event, there are a wide range of banquet types your church could hold that involve mothers. A mother-daughter banquet gives the ladies of the church a chance for fellowship while creating an opportunity for a special shared event. There may be different groups within the church, such as Bible study moms or volunteer moms, that meet regularly and want to hold an award banquet. You could also have a banquet designed to give moms a night out to socialize with other church mothers.

Tags: your church, church banquet, church could, could also, with other, within church