Monday, March 16, 2015

Party Ideas For A Girl'S 14th Birthday

No shortage of good party ideas exist for a 14-year-old's birthday.

Many party ideas exist for a girl's 14th birthday. Let your daughter decide which idea sounds most appealing. Depending on her social circle, she may be more inclined to pick one party idea over another. All but the slumber party idea could include boys, with no potential problems. Does this Spark an idea?


Many 14-year-olds host their first boy-girl party at home. The party should have adult supervision, though as a parent, you may assume a behind-the-scenes role, providing snacks and food. Common activities include dancing and a chance to eat and talk. These parties are less formal, and may not include any gift giving.


A sleepover party gives the girls a chance to watch movies, play games and talk about their favorite crushes. The party can begin in the early evening with dinner such as pizza and then continue throughout the night. Your daughter should lead the party, but you should establish clear rules on when they need to transition to talking or quiet games so your household can sleep. In the morning, serve breakfast.

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt party can take place at home, in your neighborhood, at a nearby park or at the mall. You can have them collect items or photos using a digital camera or a camera phone. Make a list of items they need to collect and set a time limit so they will return at a specified hour. The first one back with the most items on the list wins. After the scavenger hunt, serve pizza, cake and ice cream. This party requires little cleanup and most of the party will take place outside your home, thus alleviating stress on your family.

Dinner Out

Ask your daughter to pick her favorite fancy restaurant, and invite a small group of friends to eat dinner together. This is a fun idea for a girl ready to be more grown up. Accompany your daughter and her friends to the restaurant, but ask for seating at a separate table. This allows you to be on hand and pay for the tab while allowing the girls to feel independent and grown up.

Tags: ideas exist, party idea, party ideas, party ideas exist, party should, scavenger hunt, take place