Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Traditional Hawaiian Wedding Attire

If you and your fiance plan on having your wedding in Hawaii, or want to have a ceremony with a Hawaiian theme, it's important to know how you should dress for your big day. Traditional attire for Hawaiian weddings helps to bring out the beautiful scenery that will be a part of your wedding.


The holoku is a formal version of the muumuu, and is worn by the bride for Hawaiian wedding ceremonies. Holoku dresses are flowy, long and white, and look great in beachfront wedding pictures, as they blow slightly in the wind.

Haku Lei

Instead of a veil, the bride wears a haku lei in her hair for the wedding, which is a wreath of brightly colored island flowers. The bride can choose the colors she wants to include in the haku lei.

Groom's Attire

Grooms wear all white to Hawaiian weddings-a long-sleeved shirt and drawstring or linen pants are a common ensemble. The groom also wears a sash of flowers around his waist. This sash is either red or multicolored.


Leis, or elaborate necklaces made of flowers or shells, are exchanged by the bride and groom at the wedding ceremony. The couple place the leis around each others' necks to complete their wedding attire, as a symbol of their eternal love for one another.

Fashionable Flowers

It is also acceptable to have the bridesmaids or female wedding guests wear flowers in their hair. If the flower is worn on the right, it means the woman is single; when the flower is worn on her left side, this is the symbol that she is "taken" or married.

Tags: flower worn, your wedding