Monday, August 31, 2015

Pineapple Tree Facts

Pineapples are perennial plants.

Pineapples do not grow on trees like most fruits, but as perennial herb that grows on the ground. Pineapple plants (Ananas comosus) grow up to 5 feet tall and 7 feet wide before they produce their large, spiky fruit. Pineapple is a peculiar plant that has many characteristics that makes it entertaining to grow as an indoor plant. Does this Spark an idea?


Christopher Columbus brought back the first pineapple to Spain in 1493. The Spanish thought the fruit resembled a pine cone and gave it the common name pine of the Indies. When the English managed to acquire the fruit they called it an apple because it resembled the sweet flavor of that fruit. Eventually, the Spanish and English names were combined into the single common name of pineapple.


Pineapple is a member of the Bromeliaceae family of plants, which includes many types of bromiliad flowers. Unlike most bromiliads, which are epiphytes and live high in the forest canopy, pineapples are terrestrial plants that grow only in light, well-drained soils. Pineapples have a tight rosette of long, stiff leaves with spiky margins and tips for protection. Fruits start to grow from a small central leader after the first year of growth. The pineapple fruit takes up to six months to ripen. During that time, the pineapple fruit grows and changes color from green to a bright gold color.

Grow Your Own

You can grow your own pineapple plant from the fruits that you buy from the store. Simply cut the top of your pineapple with a sharp knife. Remove the lower leafs and remaining fruit so that only the stem remains. Place the stem in a glass of clean water and place in a bright, warm location. Change the water daily and watch for root development. Plant the pineapple stem in a sandy-loam soil mixture when the roots are at least 2 inches long. Water regularly to maintain soil moisture until your pineapple plant establishes new growth. Apply a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer to help facilitate robust growth in the first year.

Fruit Facts

Pineapple plants produce a single fruit each year. Although pineapples cultivated for sale are usually harvested each year, in nature, when the fruits remain on the plant for longer periods of time, they can grow up to 20 pounds. Immature, unripe pineapples, on the other hand, are toxic and can cause serious mouth and throat irritation.

Tags: your pineapple, common name, each year, first year, pineapple fruit, pineapple plant