Thursday, December 4, 2014

Water Park Birthdayparty Ideas

Host a water park party at the local pool and plan some games.

If your child is an enthusiastic swimmer who loves splashing around with his friends and family members, a water park-themed party is a grand idea. If you do not live close to a water park, or you are looking for a cheaper alternative, you can use other venues that are just as entertaining. You can even create a make-believe water park in your own backyard. This might be especially suitable for young children. Does this Spark an idea?

Home Water Park Party

For a budget-friendly option, host a party for your child at home. Construct a homemade water slide by laying a piece of long plastic tarp on a soft incline in your backyard. Weigh down the tarp with sand bags and run a hose at the top of the slide at medium speed. For a faster slide, squirt baby shampoo on the tarp.

Organize a game of water limbo. Instead of using a broomstick for kids to limbo under, run a hose, and have the kids limbo under the horizontal stream of water.

The website BirthdayPartyIdeas suggests a water balloon games where children stand in a circle and pass several water balloons to their neighbors. If a child drops a balloon, she is out until the next round. Add additional balloons as the game progresses. Organize a game similar to paint ball, but give each player a water gun. Divide the guests into two teams, where players hide and try to spray opposing players to eliminate them from the game.

Water Park Packages

If you live near a water park and have a budget to work with, consider hosting your child's birthday party there. Find out if the water park offers birthday packages. For example, the indoor water park at the Country Springs Hotel in Waukesha, Wisconsin, was offering birthday packages ranging from $150 to $300 as of 2010. The more expensive package included three hours of play in the pool and on the rides, one hour in the party room, a meal for each kid, 25 arcade tokens per kid, a birthday cake and goodie bags. If you are hosting at a water park, organize a challenge by giving each kid a waterproof punch card of age-appropriate activities to do at the facilities. Once each kid completes every item on the list, give him a prize.

Pool Party

Hosting a party at a local swimming pool is a more budget-friendly venue and can be just as exciting as a water park party. Organize swimming pool games. Marco Polo is a game of tag where the person who is "it" closes her eyes and yells "Marco." The other players must yell "Polo," and the "it" player swims toward their voices in hopes of tagging one of them. You can plan Water Olympics events, such as swimming races, the biggest splash and hand stand contests. The Source website recommends a game using a plastic bottle filled with water. All the kids stand on the deck with their backs to the pool. Throw the bottle into the pool, and when it makes a splashing sound, the kids jump in. The first player to retrieve the bottle wins.

Tags: water park, your child, birthday packages, kids limbo, kids limbo under