Thursday, December 24, 2015

What To Pack For Infant Travel To Hawaii

Hawaii is a travel destination suitable for all ages; babies included.

Hawaii is a vacation destination for both young and old alike. When traveling with an infant to Hawaii, make sure you pack key items and get your trip off to the right start.


Hawaii has a moderate temperature year round. With temperatures averaging between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, the weather is best suited for summer clothes. With an infant in tow, pack plenty of shirts, shorts, pants and lightweight jackets to protect against the cooler evening breezes.


Due to Hawaii's location, you will experience a higher cost of living on the islands compared to the mainland. Packing plenty of baby formula, diapers, diaper rash ointment, baby medication and disposable bottle liners rather than buying the items once you reach Hawaii can translate to a big cost savings.


Even though the climate is moderate, the sun's rays are quite strong on the island. Packing plenty of baby sunscreen and sunblock is essential for a trip to Hawaii. Pack zinc oxide, sunglasses, a pop-up sunshade, SPF-protective clothing and a wide brimmed hat to protect your infant.

Tags: Packing plenty, Packing plenty baby, plenty baby