Monday, December 14, 2015

Ways To Make Invitations For Free

Add a special touch to your party by making your own invitations.

Buying invitations can be costly, especially if you need to send them to a lot of people. However, there are many ways that you can make invitations for free. Whether you're sending out an invitation for a birthday party, baby shower or just a simple get-together with family and friends, creating free invitations will save you money and time.

Print Invitations

Websites that offer free printable invitations probably number in the hundreds and are not too difficult to find. Most websites offer free invitations for printing for different kinds of occasions. Once you find a website all you need to do is add the text needed on the invitation and start printing. Some websites allow you to change the background color and the font of the card you'd like to print. And since it's free, there's no limit to the number of copies that you can make. Invitations are best printed on thick paper or card stock. All you need to supply are the envelopes.

Handmade Invitations

If you're a little more creative and you'd live to make a one-of-a-kind invitation, there's nothing like making your own. Invitations can be made using almost any kind of paper from bond paper to card stock and even construction paper. The paper that you use can even have patterns or a metallic finish. Cut the paper to the size that you wish, although cards usually range from 4 by 5.5 inches to 6.5 by 5 inches. You can fold the paper like a greeting card or create a postcard invitation. Glue images that you can cut from magazines, stick stickers or draw on the invitation. Using colored pens or markers or glitter pens, write the information that your guests will need on the invitation.


E-vites, or electronic invitations, are another way of creating invitations for free. Websites such as Evite, Anyvite, Manvite and Pingg offer free e-vites. You usually have to sign up before using the service. Once you're registered you can select the invitation that you wish to send, make a few changes such as the colors and font you want to use, create the text for the invitation, then choose the people whom you'd like to invite from your email address list. Some websites, such as Pingg, allow you to keep track of who will be or won't be attending, give you a total headcount and automatically send your guests a "thank you" note after your event.


Sending an invitation through email may be the simplest way of inviting people to an event without having to spend a dime. Free web-based email services allow you to customize your emails by changing the font, font size and the font color. You can choose to make the text bold or underline or italicize text, create a bulleted list and center text or align text to the left or right. If you send invitation via email, you can even attach a map with directions to the venue where the event will take place. Email invitations allow you to create hyperlinks to direct your guests to a website, if necessary. This would be useful, for example, when sending an invitation for a baby shower and you'd like to direct guests to a site where the mom-to-be has registered for gifts.

Tags: offer free, your guests, baby shower, card stock, free invitations, invitations free