Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Theme Ideas For Mother/Daughter Banquet Programs

A mother and daughter banquet provides a bonding opportunity between a mother and her daughter.

A program helps keep guests at an event informed of the order of activities and other information that may be important or interesting. A mother and daughter banquet should include a program that is attractive, appropriately themed and that offers the guest information such as the name of guest speakers or a message from the event sponsor. Choose a theme for a mother/daughter program that will reflect the nature of the event and the needs of the guests. Does this Spark an idea?

Baby Theme

Use a baby theme for a program for a mother/daughter banquet. Instead of using current photos for special speakers, include their baby pictures. Use a baby block font or a kid's handwriting font for the text.

Another idea for a baby-themed program is to cut the program into a shape such as a baby, stroller or blocks. Other shape ideas include a teddy bear, baby bottle or a stork.

Royalty Theme

Treat your mother/daughter banquet guests like royalty with a royal-themed banquet program. Use an old English style or cursive font for program titles. Add a crown icon to the top or front of the program and refer to the special speakers or people mentioned in the program as "Queen" or "Princess."

Anther idea for a royal-themed program is to attach a crown or royal carriage charm (available at craft stores) to the front of the program with a ribbon. Punch two holes at the top of the front cover, insert the ribbon and charm and tie in a bow.

Retro Theme

Send banquet guests back in time with a retro-themed program. Choose a decade such as the 1950s or 1980s to feature. For instance, use a 1950s theme for a program by featuring pictures of 1950s era automobiles, poodle skirts and other symbols of the decade.

Add trivia facts about the chosen era to the back of the program. Trivia includes naming the top song of the decade, the most popular movie or television show or something that was invented during that time period.

Other Themes

There are many options for mother/daughter banquet program themes. One themes that can be used is a pearls and ice theme. Use pearl white paper with icy blue or silver ink. Tie a fake pearl to the top of the program with a ribbon.

Another theme to consider is a flower theme. Use flower-patterned paper as a background and print the program information on plain paper. Glue the program information to the patterned paper. You may also choose to glue a silk flower bud to the top of the program.

Tags: mother daughter, daughter banquet, mother daughter banquet, banquet guests, banquet program, daughter program