Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Simple Bridal Shower Ideas

Keep the bride happy during the wedding process with simple shower ideas.

One of the most enjoyable parts of making wedding plans is the time spent with friends and family, particularly at an event such as a bridal shower. Bridesmaids can plan this as a surprise, casual, formal or adventurous but whichever way, it needs to be a great time for the bride. Keep the bridal shower ideas simple in terms of shower favors, bridal gifts and activities. Does this Spark an idea?

Food and Treats

A bridal shower must have delicious food and sweets for the bride and guests to enjoy. Bridal shower favors including small treats will be a bonus. Use a chocolate fountain with such foods to dip as strawberries, marshmallows, pound cake, brownies, cheese cubes, cookies, raspberries and pineapple. Devote a portion to the bridal shower to creating entertaining food, like baking cookies or cupcakes. See who can make the most creative picture on a cookie sheet with frosting, such as the bride and groom meeting for the first time.

For favors, pour melted chocolate into different shaped molds such as hearts, wedding bells, or a little bride and groom. Wrap the chocolate in small packages derived from the wedding's color scheme. Add the bride's favorite candies to small decorative boxes with personalized notes, like sweet tarts, word hearts or chocolate turtle doves.

Personalized CDs

Create a personalized playlist of the bride's favorite music or the top 20 love songs, which the bridesmaids and guests can debate as a game. Create a mix of songs that will be played at the wedding.

For bridal shower favors, create a music CD for each guest, specific to her taste in music or based on a theme such love songs. Burning CDs nowadays is much easier so this is a quick and simple bridal shower idea that can go a long way when personalized. Decorate the CDs with handmade labels or liner notes that show why you picked each song.

Recipe Box

The recipe box is a traditional bridal shower pastime that is a collective gift from friends and family members. As a homemade gift, it shows the bride how much people care. Whether you design it as a large book, small card box or computer disk, everyone can get involved and provide their favorite recipes for the bride. Include beverages, salads, appetizers, entrees, side dishes and desserts, ranging from casual nights in to romantic elegant dinners out. This can even be an activity for the bridal shower with enough people and preparation.

Tags: bridal shower, shower favors, bridal shower, bride favorite, bride groom