Thursday, October 29, 2015

Smith Machine Vs Free Weights

Free Weights

There is always great debate about which is better: lifting on a Smith Machine or using free weights. Your experience level and the type of lifts you want to perform will play a factor in the decision.


There are some exercises that can only be done with free weights, like dumbbell curls. Exercises done on a Smith machine are limited to those performed with a barbell.


Smith machines will help with proper movements of a lift. Using free weights increases the risk of injury due to incorrect form.


Smith machines allow lifters to perform exercises with more weight because they offer support. A free weight offers no support -- just pure resistance.


Free weights allow more versatility than Smith machines. Only certain muscle groups can be targeted at one time with Smith machines.


Use both free weights and the Smith machine when working out. The variety will keep your muscles from getting into a routine.

Tags: Smith machines, free weights, Smith machine, Smith Machine