Monday, October 12, 2015

Romantic Ways To Propose To Your Boyfriend

An engagement does not necessarily need to be traditional.

While the traditional marriage proposal is typically done by the man, there is no reason the woman cannot be the catalyst to start the couple down the marriage path. A woman may have to be more creative to find a romantic but not silly way to engineer a memorable proposal. However, the love between the two and the desire to grow old together is a powerful sentiment to express no matter who offers whom the ring.

Sports Game

Attend a local sports game, such as a college football game or a minor league baseball or hockey game. Contact the events coordinator or public relations representative for the team before going and fill her in on your proposal plans. It will be considerably easier and less expensive to have the sports arena proposal at a minor league team than a professional team. The staff and players are also more likely to be interested in helping you as well. Ask the representative to help you ask your fiance to be to marry you by displaying "John, will you marry me?" on a big screen or scoreboard, making an announcement during half-time or having the players hold up signs. When the announcement is made, get down on one knee in the stands and ask him yourself.

Sentimental Spot

Reinvent your first date with your boyfriend by taking him back through your first date routine, whether it was a romantic walk in the park, dinner and a movie or a meeting for drinks at a local bar. Coordinate a note somewhere within the date that asks, "Will you marry me?" This could be taped under a park bench before taking a walk, hidden in a bag of popcorn, or written in chocolate on his dessert plate at the restaurant. Your thoughtfulness and efforts to coordinate the romance of the first date will not go unnoticed by your fiance-to-be.

Scavenger Hunt

Coordinate a scavenger hunt around the significant places in your relationship around town. Let local business owners in on your proposal plan so they can help you in the process. At each spot, whether it be where you first met, had your first date, shared your first kiss or where he officially asked you to be his girlfriend, leave a note with the owner or worker with a clue that will lead him to the next stop. At the last stop, wherever you choose to be, wait there for him with a final note that says, "Will you marry me?"

Tags: first date, your first, your first date, minor league, Will marry, your proposal