Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Luau Thrifty Decorating Ideas

Luau parties can be fun for any occasion or celebration, but buying all of your decorating supplies can be pricey. Lower the cost of your next luau by following some tips for thrifty decorations with a Hawaiian flavor.


Make flowers out of tissue paper squares and pipe cleaners. They can be any size you like, and you will save money over paper flower garlands from a party supply store. Make your paper flowers by accordion-folding several squares of tissue paper together; then fold this accordion in half and wrap with a pipe cleaner. Unfold the layers of the tissue paper and fluff up to make flowers, then display them around your party location.

Paper Goods

Use solid-colored paper goods for your food serving and decorating, that way, you can reuse them again for another party. Purchase solid-colored cups, tablecloths, plates, and napkins for use at this party and the next one that comes up. Sometimes you can find certain colors on clearance at party or large retail stores.

Play with your Food

Use food as part of your decor. You can save money because you will be buying food anyway. Make a decorative sculpture by using tooth picks to stick cubes of fruit into a Styrofoam base. Arrange whole citrus fruits into clear plastic or glass vases. Put your food on colorful platters to add color to the room.

Reuse Decorations

Get out your winter holiday decorations and find some strings of colorful lights. Hang these around your party location to brighten up the event without costing you added money.

Buy to Last

Purchase items for your party that you can use throughout the summer. Try citronella candles or tiki torches; they will fit with your luau theme and keep your backyard bug-free for the summer months. If you have young children, purchase stuffed parrots or other tropical animals (monkeys, turtles) to display around your party, then re-gift the animals to your children on special occasions.

Tags: your party, around your, around your party, tissue paper, party location