Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Party Ideas For A Sweet Sixteen In The Backyard

Have a Hawaiian luau to help your teen celebrate sweet sixteen.

The sweet sixteenth birthday represents a milestone for many girls. Often it's when they begin to drive, and graduation isn't far around the corner. Even as these teens mature many retain a playful kid's heart. To honor both sides of adolescence, plan a party that speaks to both. Serve barbeque and outdoor-friendly foods and indulge in an element of play. Most importantly, celebrate this significant birthday in style. Does this Spark an idea?

The Bard

For a drama-lover turning sweet sixteen, celebrate in grand theatrical style with the ultimate in grand theatre such as created by Shakespeare himself. To create a Shakespearean birthday area start by putting up an outdoor stage. Many rental companies hire this kind of equipment plus outdoor canopies and stage lights. Make theatrical banners and posters featuring pictures of Shakespeare's plays. Affix the posters to the side of the house. Use free-standing adjustable banner stands like the kind used at corporate expos to hang the banners. You also have the option of hanging the banners from the top ceiling bars of the canopy.

If you'd like to create a stage curtain for this set up, you can hang some PVC pipe from the canopy bars using thick, but pliable wire. Attach a lightweight curtain that's long enough to reach the stage floor from the pipe. Some shower curtains are light enough for this and other curtains feature interesting patterns and textures. Play 16th century music and read passages from Shakespeare's plays or sonnets. Make scroll-shaped invitations and party favors and invite the guests to come dressed in period costumes.

Hawaiian Luau

A Hawaiian-themed party allows you to serve up the fatted calf---or pig in this case---to your teen on her sweet sixteen. If your backyard is big enough, you can dig a luau pit and roast a pig. If not, then serve baked ham you've prepared in a smoker, along with barbequed cocktail sausages with chunks of pineapple and sliced vegetables on skewers. Set up tiki torches around the yard and break out the inflatable palm trees. Play songs celebrating Hawaii like Elvis' "Blue Hawaii". Encourage your daughter's guests to dance by providing them with grass skirts and Hawaiian leis.

Pretty in Pink

Turn your backyard into a pink wonderland for the girl who loves all things pink. Set out card tables adorned with pink tablecloths and hang pink Chinese lanterns and streamers on trees. Hang posters of the movie "Pretty in Pink" on the back door or on the side walls of a carport or shed. Serve an assortment of pink foods and drinks like pink lemonade and cake with pink frosting. Send the guests away with little pink bags full of soaps and other toiletries.

Tags: Pretty Pink, Shakespeare plays, sweet sixteen, with pink, your backyard, your teen