Monday, September 21, 2015

Moving To Maui Advice

Maui, Hawaii, is a favorite vacation spot for many. But is it feasible to consider packing up and moving to the island? The state's second-largest island is beautiful with lauded beaches and scenery. While this is a boon for tourists, it also means high real estate prices, especially when combined with the limited amount of land. The cost of living is high and employment depends largely on tourism.

Housing and Cost of Living

According to the Maui Chamber of Commerce, the average single-family home price is more than $600,000. Condos run about $400,000 to $450,000. Renting is another option. Studios can rent for $800 to $1,100 a month, while a one bedroom can go for $900 to $1,500. For a three-bedroom home, rent can go up to $2,500. Prices of homes depend on what part of the island they're located and the condition of the home.

Maui is also one of the highest cost-of-living areas in the country, chamber officials say. And, according to Maui Moving Source, island residents pay more for gas and electric service than the mainland, and more for food. However, one upside is Maui's temperate climate can reduce the need for heat and air conditioning. The island does have discount stores to help keep some food costs down a bit. Overall, living on Maui tends to work best for those who have a good amount of money and those who are single. For working-class families, living on Maui could be difficult.


The average pay on Maui doesn't keep up with the high cost of living. This depends, of course, on what type of job you have and whether you have a family. Most jobs depend on the tourism industry, which pays low-to-moderate wages. Many living on the island are working two or three jobs to pay bills, according to Maui Moving Source. Make sure you have a good, solid job before packing up and moving to Maui.

Shipping and Logistics

Getting your furniture and household goods to Maui from the mainland will require you to use a professional shipping service. You'll also need to plan in advance. It can take weeks for the goods to arrive. The Maui chamber suggests getting a door-to-door shipping quote or there will be an extra charge to get goods from the docks to your home. As far as a vehicle, you can ship it to Hawaii or buy a new one on Maui. If you take your car and owe on it, you'll need written permission from the lender to show the shipping company before they'll take it to the island. Maui Moving Source suggests allowing two to three weeks to allow for the vehicle to arrive. Maui does have a public bus system.


If you have pets, make sure you check Hawaii's quarantine laws or your pet could face a long quarantine time. Certain requirements can mean a shorter quarantine time; the laws are designed to keep rabies off the island. Some pets, such as some snakes, won't be allowed on the island. Having a pet could make it more difficult or expensive to find rental property.

Tags: Maui Moving, Maui Moving Source, Moving Source, according Maui Moving, arrive Maui, cost living, does have