Thursday, September 24, 2015

Olympic Theme Parties For Kids

An Olympic theme party is a great idea for children. The Olympic theme is not only unisex, but draws the children together so that they can compete with one another, drawing on their own skills as well as relying on one another for team-building. Olympic theme parties are very popular during years the Olympics take place, but can be done successfully at any time of the year. Does this Spark an idea?


The Olympics often renews a sense of nationalism in countries so it is very appropriate to use Americana decorations. Hang red, white and blue streamers on the walls and blow up red, white and blue balloons. Purchase red, white and blue cups, napkins and plates from the dollar store or local party supply store. For added authenticity, print out some pictures of famous Olympic athletes and pin them on the wall. Hang plastic medals, purchased at dollar stores or party supply stores, on the wall next to the streamers.

If you don't want to do an American theme, you can also do Olympic colors: red, white, green, black and yellow. Cut out the Olympic rings with construction paper and place them on the wall. Purchase cups and plates in coordinating colors.

The Cake

Many bakeries have sports-themed cakes in their repertoire. What is your child's favorite sport? Have the bakery draw a scene of people playing soccer or running. You could even have a medal ceremony etched onto the cake for a more Olympic feel.


An Olympic party would not be complete without some games. Have the children compete in sprinting competitions, egg tosses, baseball, limbo, potato sack racing, three-legged races or relay races. If you have a pool, you can also have swim competitions to see who can swim from one side to the other the fastest. Don't forget to include a medal ceremony. Purchase medals and ribbons at dollar or party supply stores to hand out to children for winning.

Party Bag

For the gift bag, gather sports-oriented Pez dispensers, erasers and pencils. Include small bouncing balls or mini-basket or baseballs in the bags as well.

Opening Ceremonies

Play some music and have the children participate in "Opening Ceremonies". Have the birthday child hold a torch (tikki torch or a homemade torch out of construction paper) and march around the house or backyard.

Tags: Olympic theme, party supply, white blue, construction paper, medal ceremony, Opening Ceremonies, party supply stores