Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Perfect Room For Kids

A child's room must be suitable for both parent and child.

A child's room is a magical place where imagination comes to life and learning is fostered in a safe and secure environment. While the idea of a perfect room may differ from child to child and parent to parent, there are certain elements that they all have in common. To create the perfect room for your child, find a a balance between a parent's needs and a child's wants. Does this Spark an idea?


The child's room is the perfect place for him to learn and practice organization. When the child is a certain age, he should slowly adapt to performing certain chores. For instance, he should learn to clean up after himself by putting away toys, books and games in their proper spots. Having a chest labeled for toys, a shelf for books and color-coded tubs for various craft items helps the child to know exactly where each item belongs and where to find it again in the future.


A child's room should always be a safe environment no matter the age. A toddler, for instance, is prone to bumping into sharp corners or playing with electrical outlets. You may child-proof the room by securing padding around the sharp corners and inserting plastic tabs into the electrical outlets. Furniture, such as dressers, should also be child proof, as young children may pull out the drawers and dangerously climb atop the dresser. Remove all sharp objects that may be in the room, such as scissors or sharp pencils.


A child's room, whether it is the bedroom or the playroom, should be full of educational tools to stimulate the mind and encourage development of skills such as math, reading or music appreciation. While there are many learning toys available, there are just as many posters and artwork that may be hung from the wall to encourage the same degree of learning. For instance, having a homemade alphabet tree on the wall is a fun way to engage the child without spending money on electronic toys.


While parents may be concerned about safety, organization and learning, none of that matters if the child loses interest and is unable to play and have fun. Simple projects such as painting the room's wall with your child will peak her interest. Painting a wall in magnetic chalkboard paint allows the child to draw and write on the walls without making a mess. Incorporating bright, bold colors throughout the room as well as zoo animals or an art center will encourage playtime and imagination in an environment that is child friendly and parent approved.

Tags: child room, child child, electrical outlets, sharp corners, your child