Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Night Time Outside Party Games For Kids

Give kids an excuse to play in the dark.

Gallivanting through the dark holds special appeal to children who are usually pulled safely inside upon the setting of the sun. Night-time outdoor party games are often highly appealing to children as they provide them with the feeling they are breaking the rules and doing something different from the norm. There are a number of engaging and challenging games, ideal for dark surroundings, that you can play at your next evening kids' event. Does this Spark an idea?

Flashlight Candy Hunt

Spice up your late-evening party with a flashlight-aided quest for candy. Buy an array of small flashlights beforehand to ensure you have one for each guest. Go out into the backyard and hide individually wrapped candy treats around the landscape. After the sun sets arm your young party guests with the flashlights and allow them to venture into the backyard and hunt for the hidden candy.

Glow Stick Football

Engage your kid-guests in a glowing version of classic flag-football. Prepare by buying glow sticks in two colors and a foam or regular football. At game time divide players into two teams. Give each player a glow stick attached to a string. Members of each team have sticks of the same color. Ask players to loosely tie their glow sticks around their waists or arms. Follow the same rules of classic football except counting a player as down not if he is tackled to the ground but if his glow stick is stripped from his body.

Drag the Body

This spooky challenge proves the perfect activity for late-night fun. Gather two old bed sheets before the game. Divide the players into two teams and tell them to select one member to act as the body. Have "the body" lay on the sheet. Line both teams up at the starting line. On "go" they must drag the designated team member on the sheet to a finish line. The first team to complete this creep-tastic physical challenge wins the game.

Ghost Hunt

Create a creepy night-time adventure with a team ghost hunt. Create two tiny ghosts using cotton balls, rubber bands and two different colors of fabric. Make two teams and give the first team one of the ghosts. Team one members go out to the backyard and hide their ghoul. On their return team two hunts for it. Time the team's efforts and repeat the process with team two. The winner is the team whose hidden ghost takes the most time to be found.

Tags: backyard hide, first team, glow stick, glow sticks, into backyard