Friday, September 4, 2015

Lock Picks Laws

Lock pick laws vary among states.

To keep their valuables safe and their homes and property secure, humans have been using locks for centuries. For as long as people have used locks they've also needed to open those locks, often requiring the skills of a locksmith or special tools called lock picks. The use of these tools is regulated in many states, but because laws differ widely you should contact a lawyer in your area if you need advice about locksmith laws.

Possession of Illegal Tools

Some states make it illegal to simply possess or own lock picking tools and related equipment. However, illegal possession is usually based in terms of the intent to use such tools to commit a crime.

For example, Virginia law criminalizes the possession of any tools a person intends to use to commit a burglary, robbery or related crime, such as lock picks. This is a separate offense from the actual robbery or burglary, and anyone using a lock pick or similar device in committing such a crime faces additional charges and punishments. This crime is charged as a felony in Virginia.

Locksmith Licensing

Some states also require locksmiths to be licensed. For example. North Carolina law specifies that no one in the state can perform locksmith services without first getting a license from the state. Anyone who performs locksmith services without a license commits a Class 3 misdemeanor.

"Slim Jims"

One lock pick, commonly referred to as a "slim jim," is used for opening locked car doors. These lock picks slide into a car door frame through the gap between the window and the frame. Though different from traditional lock picks in that no tool penetrates the lock chamber or manipulates the tumblers, slim jims are subject to the same laws and rules that apply to lock picks.

Like lock picks themselves, it is usually not illegal merely to own these tools, but only to use them in preparing for or committing a crime, such as stealing a car.

Tags: lock picks, crime such, lock pick, lock picks, locksmith services