Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Luau Party Games For Teens 1518

The "tacky tourist" may wear several leis.

A luau is a good party option for teens who generally love to just hang out and enjoy outdoor fun. Although musical beach towels and pin the lei on the hula girl are cute ideas for younger kids, older teens will most likely be too concerned about looking childish to play along. Plan games that incorporate silly fun, but have a more grown-up feel and your teen luau will be a hit. Does this Spark an idea?

Coconut Bowling

Use empty two-liter bottles as pins. Use craft paint to paint them in bright colors and add floral stickers to decorate them in the luau theme. Fill them partly with sand to weigh them down, but not so much that they won't fall when hit. Set up a space to serve as the alley and use a coconut for the ball. Divide guests into teams and bowl according to the same rules and scoring methods as in a standard game of bowling.

Tacky Tourist Relay

Gather sets of items related to a tacky tourist in Hawaii. Ideas include Hawaiian shirts, cameras with neck straps, sunglasses, leis, snorkels and socks with sandals. Place items out in sets at one end of the yard or party space and line teams up at the other end. Teams will race relay style, with each person gathering one item and racing back until all the items have been collected. Once all items have been collected, one selected teammate will race to dress as a tacky tourist. If you have enough sets of items, all members can dress up. The first team or player to be dressed in the complete tourist ensemble wins.

Water Balloon Volleyball

Purchase luau-decorated balloons from a party goods store. These are balloons that usually have a floral design. Fill several balloons with water and place them by the volleyball net. Give each team a sheet or large beach towel that the serving team will use to launch water balloons over the net and the receiving team will use to catch and return. Every time a balloon breaks, the opposing team scores a point.

Hula Hoop Chain

Have players stand in a circle. Loop a hula hoop onto the arm of one player. Tell players to join hands. Instruct them to move the hula hoop around the circle from player to player without releasing their hands. This game can be just for laughs or can be played competitively by dividing into two teams and racing to see which team completes the circle first.


No luau party would be complete without the limbo. Party guests of all ages enjoy this activity, so break out the limbo stick, play some Hawaiian music such as Jimmy Buffett's "Volcano" and have fun. To add some humor, have guests do their best hula dance as they join the line to the limbo stick.

Tags: tacky tourist, been collected, have been, have been collected, hula hoop